Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak reviewed with the Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, His Royal Highness Prince Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the relations of joint cooperation and developments on the national scene in various fields, including Saudi support for the government to fulfill its obligations and reforms.

The meeting, which was held on Thursday in the Saudi city of Jeddah, discussed the priorities of urgent support for Yemen in these exceptional circumstances, within the framework of the continued generous Saudi support for Yemen and its people to alleviate the burden of the humanitarian crisis created by the Houthi group, in addition to the prospects for expanding areas of partnership in various aspects.

It also touched on regional developments and the consensus of views towards them, including the ongoing repercussions of the Houthi attacks on oil facilities, international navigation, and opportunities for establishing peace and stability in Yemen according to the references agreed upon locally and supported regionally and internationally.

The Prime Minister briefed the Saudi Minister of Defense on the general situation in various political, military, security, economic, and service aspects, the efforts made by the government to deal with the existing difficulties, and the aspects of support the government requires to enhance the reform process, appreciating the Saudi stance in support of Yemen and its people in various circumstances.

In turn, the Saudi Minister of Defense renewed the Kingdom’s firm support for Yemen’s security and stability, noting the efforts made by the Yemeni government in the reform process.  Source: PMO

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