Dr. Rashad Muhammad Al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, returned to the temporary capital Aden on Monday after a foreign visit during which he held consultations with his brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and regional and international actors on the latest developments in Yemen and developments in the region, opportunities to revive the peace process, and alleviate the suffering caused by the Houthi attacks on oil facilities and international shipping lines with the support of the Iranian regime.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), President Al-Alimi, on behalf of himself, the members of the Council and the government, expressed his deep gratitude to the brothers in the Arab Coalition in support of the legitimate government led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for their strong and sincere commitment to the Yemeni people, alleviating their suffering, and achieving their aspirations to restore state institutions, security, stability, and peace.

In this context, the President praised the results of the recent consultations with his brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, which will soon yield further support and joint coordination at all levels.

He affirmed the Council’s keenness to make all efforts to fulfill the state’s inevitable obligations, primarily paying employee salaries and improving essential services provided to citizens in all governorates.

Source : https://pmo-ye.net/post/7559