Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dr. Waed Abdullah Badeeb discussed with Chinese Chargé d’Affaires to Yemen Shao Zheng ways to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in development fields and activate the work of the Yemeni-Chinese Joint Committee.

The two sides discussed via video conference a number of key topics, including coordinating development grants through the Chinese International Development Cooperation Agency, focusing on priority projects, strengthening cooperation in the field of humanitarian aid, reactivating bridges of communication between the two countries at all levels, and discussing the possibility of allocating grants provided by the Chinese Agency for International Development Cooperation, sharing the project proposal with the relevant authorities, and discussing direct negotiations with the Chinese Agency for International Development Cooperation to coordinate grants.

During the meeting, Minister Badeeb expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Chinese government and people for their continued support for Yemen, especially during these difficult circumstances that the country is going through, stressing the importance of Chinese aid in alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people and improving their living conditions.

He pointed out the government’s keenness to strengthen cooperation with China in all fields, and to reactivate the work of the Yemeni-Chinese Joint Committee to coordinate efforts, identify areas of future cooperation, and agreements signed between the two countries to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various fields.

He also stressed the government’s confidence that cooperation with China will contribute significantly to achieving sustainable development and improving the lives of the Yemeni people, expressing Yemen’s aspiration for further cooperation and partnership with the Chinese side in the future.

For his part, the Chinese Chargé d’Affaires to Yemen reiterated his country’s support for Yemen in various fields, stressing the importance of strengthening development and economic cooperation between the two countries, and exchanging expertise and technology in vital fields such as water and sanitation, agriculture, industry, and renewable energy.
