The Chargé d’Affaires of the Yemeni Embassy in Nairobi, Abdussalam al-Awadhi, discussed with the Director of the Middle East Department at the Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Abdulshakoor Hussein, ways to strengthen and develop bilateral relations between the two friendly countries.

Al-Awadhi touched on the dangers of the terrorist practices of the Houthi militia in the Red Sea, and their disastrous effects on the security and safety of international waterways, regional and international peace and security, and the Red Sea environment. He stressed that the militia is one of Iran’s destructive tools in the region.

He reiterated the government’s keenness to deal flexibly with all international, regional and UN initiatives aimed at achieving peace.

For his part, the Director of the Middle East Department at the Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed to the seriousness of what is happening in the Red Sea and its impact on Africa, stressing Kenya’s keenness to cooperate with the Yemeni government and support all peace efforts.
