Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad al-Alimi on Saturday delivered an important speech to the Yemeni people at home and abroad, on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Adha.

The President of the Leadership Council, on his own behalf, the members of the Council and the government, congratulated the Yemeni people with all their components on the blessed Eid Al-Adha, especially the guests of the Most Merciful, the pilgrims of the Holy House of God.

He also congratulated the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques HM King Salman bin Abdulaziz and his Crown Prince, Prime Minister Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on the occasion of the success of the Hajj season.

In the address delivered by Minister of Endowments Mohammed Eidha Shabibah on behalf of President al-Alimi, he talked about importance of the religious occasion in embodying the values of the unity, integration, brotherhood and love and peace emotions despite all ordeals and woes suffered by Yemeni people over Houthi terrorist militia’s coup against the state and its war on the people.

President al-Alimi addressed the people saying: “Our greatest Eid is the day when restoring your national institutions and liberating our land from the agenda of backwardness, extremism and hatred and regaining Happy Yemen.”

He emphasized the need for everyone to realize that they are facing religious and national responsibilities that require unifying the ranks, rising above the wounds, and repairing the torn limbs of the country, which were torn apart by years of the coup and war, and the need to resume the cycle of life and development that was halted by the militias loyal to the Iranian regime.

The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council and the members of the Council renewed their commitment to the covenant and promise to stand by the Yemeni people, seek to serve them, and move towards a just and comprehensive peace, in accordance with the nationally, regionally and internationally agreed upon references, and to improve the economic and living conditions resulting from the devastating war of the Houthi militias at various levels, including their targeting of oil facilities and international shipping lines.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council affirmed that the government will continue its efforts to secure the maximum possible level of services, and the regular payment of salaries, hoping that the efforts of brothers and friends will lead the militias to heed the voice of reason and respond to the free popular will in choosing their future and a system based on pluralism, justice, and equal citizenship.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council addressed the recent Houthi practices and violations against activists and relief agency staff, which prove that the government is on the right track when it repeatedly called on international organizations to move their headquarters to the temporary capital Aden, so that they do not remain hostage to the militias and their repressive apparatus.

“The appropriate situation for opinion leaders, thinkers, and relief workers is to be honored as creators of life and narrators of truth, and the appropriate deterrent for violators of rights and freedoms, and those who commercialize religion and politicize its pillars, rituals, and rituals, is isolation and not escaping punishment, and criminalizing their deviant ideas based on guardianship, imamate, and the abhorrent racist lineage,” he said.

The President emphasized that the state continues to pursue the policy of “Economic Resolve” in response to the serious transgressions of the Houthi militias, which threaten to plunge the country into a comprehensive humanitarian disaster, starting with targeting the resources of the Yemeni people and their refusal to neutralize the banking sector, up to the peak of their delusion in the possibility of contesting the state’s monetary sovereignty through minting counterfeit currency and putting it into circulation.

“The overwhelming popular and political support for the decisions of the Central Bank has proven the correctness of the policy of economic resolve, which aimed to achieve three main objectives: first, to affirm the legal and financial status of the Yemeni state, secondly, to protect the banking sector and depositors’ funds from the violations of the terrorist Houthi militias, and combat money laundering, and finally, to save the national economy from the danger of international isolation following the designation of the Houthi militias as a terrorist organization,” said President al-Alimi.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council called upon the Yemeni people to support and stand by these decisions, and not to pay attention to the misleading propaganda through the platforms of the militias that have monopolized the country’s resources without bearing any obligations towards the citizens in the areas under their forceful control.

His Excellency the President also mentioned the government’s efforts and the concessions it has made in order to push the militias to end their siege of the cities, open the roads, facilitate the movement of individuals, money and goods, and the activities of humanitarian organizations, making this file a fixed priority in all the agreements and understandings that the militias have reneged on.

Referring to the partial opening of some roads in Taiz, the President said that the militias “are mistaken when they think that these propaganda measures can wash away their notorious crimes at the gates of Taiz and throughout the defiant governorate, just as they are mistaken when they think that these maneuvers can improve their image or present them as a sovereign party internally after failing to market that externally”.
