A delegation from the Presidency of the Republic, headed by Director of the Presidency Office Dr. Yahya Al-Sha’ibi, visited a number of wounded heroes from the military formations and armed forces on Monday in a number of hospitals in the temporary capital Aden, within the framework of the directives of His Excellency President of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad al-Alimi.

During the visit, the Director of the Presidency Office and the accompanying presidential and military team conveyed the greetings of the President of the Presidential Leadership Council and his brothers, the members of the council and the government, and their congratulations to the wounded heroes of the armed forces on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, and their wishes for a speedy recovery.

Dr. al-Sha’ibi learned from the medical teams about the health conditions of the wounded and the level of medical and treatment services provided to them, stressing the keenness of the Presidential Leadership Council and the government to provide all forms of support and care for the wounded of the armed forces, all military formations, the popular resistance, and the families of the martyrs.

The Director of the Presidency Office informed the wounded heroes of the directives of His Excellency the President to disburse urgent financial assistance and to cover the transfer of critical cases of them for treatment abroad, in appreciation of their great sacrifices and the heroic epics in defense of the revolution, the republican system, and the confrontation of the Iranian-backed Houthi destructive project in Yemen and the region.

Source: https://www.sabanew.net/story/ar/112919