The Republic of Yemen participated today in the High-Level Meeting on Youth Learning and Work Training Skills for Decent Work. The meeting, held under the auspices of the United Nations, is taking place in the Tunisian capital from June 26th to 28th.

The meeting, attended by Ministers of Youth and Sports Naif Al-Bakri, Social Affairs and Labor Dr. Mohammed Al-Zawari, and Higher Education, Scientific Research, Vocational Education and Training Dr. Khaled Al-Wasabi, includes a dialogue between four United Nations agencies: the International Labor Organization, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund, and UNICEF. Government officials from key sectors, the private sector, and the United Nations are also engaging with the youth themselves. This dialogue aims to enable the exchange of best practices and converge towards a shared vision to support youth transition from learning to decent work.

The meeting will provide recommendations from Arab countries and the Middle East and North Africa region for the Global Summit on Transformative Education.
