Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Major General Aidaroos Qassem Al-Zubaidi, chaired on Thursday in the temporary capital Aden, an expanded meeting of the Supreme Security Committee, attended by the Minister of Defense, Chairman of the Committee, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Daari.

The committee addressed the topics listed on its agenda, related to the security situation and the efforts and procedures for imposing security and stability in the country.

The committee listened to a brief report from Lieutenant General Al-Daari on the security situation in the liberated governorates, the current challenges facing the security services there, and the procedures followed to enhance security and stability and preserve public tranquility for citizens.

The committee also reviewed several security reports submitted by the competent security services, which reviewed a summary of the terrorist activities of Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the Houthi militias, as well as the measures taken to confront the activities of these organizations, and what has been accomplished in the course of confrontation with extremist organizations according to a report submitted by the Head of the Counter-Terrorism Services.

The committee discussed in its meeting the latest developments in the economic situation in the country, their impact on the military and security situation, and the level of general stability, in addition to the issue of opening roads with non-liberated areas, and the necessary procedures in this regard.

At the conclusion of its meeting, the committee addressed a number of security issues on the local scene, and the necessary precautionary measures and actions to address these issues and violations and prevent their recurrence.

The committee began its meeting by reviewing its previous decisions and orders, the level of their implementation, and the challenges that faced their implementation. It also approved the holding of a committee meeting every two weeks regularly to ensure the follow-up on developments and security issues and their prompt handling.

Al-Zubaidi stressed the importance of intensifying efforts and coordination between the various security and military services, and dealing firmly and seriously with any threats in this regard, to ensure the protection of citizens and enhance security and stability throughout the country.

He stressed the need to enhance cooperation with international and regional partners in the areas of training and qualification to raise the capabilities of the security services and enhance the efficiency of their members, enabling them to carry out their tasks and responsibilities effectively.
