Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak conducted a field visit today to the Military Administrative Base in the Tawahi district of the interim capital, Aden.

Upon his arrival at the base, the Prime Minister was received by Defense Minister, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Daari, and several military leaders, who lined up to greet him and express their appreciation for the government’s special attention to the armed forces and their affiliates.

Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak inspected the workflow and the level of services provided to the heroes of the armed forces in the Supply and Support Department and the Military Administrative Base. He was briefed on the role they play in providing logistical and supply needs for the combat units.

The Prime Minister toured a number of facilities, departments, offices, and warehouses belonging to the administrative base and the Supply and Support Department. He stressed the importance of organizing the administrative work of combat units, controlling supply and support operations through transparent mechanisms, and transitioning towards work automation. This will enhance the quality of services provided to armed forces personnel and meet their various needs.

Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak also visited the military uniform tailoring and equipping workshop affiliated with the Supply and Support Department. He was briefed on the production capacity of the workshop, which employs young men and women, including relatives of martyrs and wounded soldiers, and provides its services to all members of the armed and security forces.

The Prime Minister directed the expansion of the workshop and the increase and development of its production capacity to cover the existing needs of the military and security establishment for clothing and other equipment. He paid tribute to the female workers in the workshop, who are family members of martyrs and wounded soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the homeland.

He was accompanied during the visit by the Director of the Prime Minister’s Office, Eng. Anis Bahartha, and the Director of the Supply and Support Department, Brigadier General Ali Al-Kod.
