Aden, Yemen – Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak received, on Sunday, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Resident Representative to Yemen, Peter Hawkins, in the temporary capital, Aden.

During the meeting, they discussed the organization’s humanitarian interventions in Yemen. This included securing funding for the unconditional cash transfer project, which benefits a large segment of those registered with the Social Welfare Fund. They also addressed mechanisms for monitoring and verifying the integrity of procedures followed in implementing the project.

Furthermore, the meeting addressed the Houthis’ dangerous violations and interference in the work of UN and international organizations. This included their grave violations against international aid workers and the abduction of dozens of them during the past month.

In this regard, the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of exerting maximum pressure to compel the Houthi terrorist militia to release all abductees unconditionally.

The Prime Minister was briefed by the UN official on the organization’s projects in the health sector, the cash transfer project, and other projects implemented in coordination and partnership with the government. He noted the government’s support for facilitating the work of humanitarian and relief organizations, and its keenness to enhance coordination frameworks in various aspects.
