Major General Ibrahim Haydan, the Minister of Interior, praised the efforts and humanitarian interventions of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Yemen.

During his meeting on Tuesday in the interim capital, Aden, with Mahmoud Salah Abu HuSaiba, Head of the ICRC delegation in Aden, the Interior Minister stressed the importance of relocating international organizations’ headquarters to the interim capital, Aden. This relocation would facilitate the implementation of their humanitarian projects and ensure the safety and security of their staff, given the violations committed by the Houthi terrorist militia, which have also targeted personnel from international organizations.

Major General Haydan addressed the crimes committed by the Houthi militia against citizens and their disregard for international laws and humanitarian charters.

For his part, the Head of the ICRC delegation expressed his happiness with the meeting and his aspiration to strengthen cooperation and joint coordination with the leadership of the Ministry of Interior in implementing humanitarian programs and projects in Yemen.
