Major General Aidaros Qassem Al-Zubaidi, member of the Presidential Leadership Council, emphasized that eliminating the threat posed by the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia to international peace and security requires a comprehensive local, regional, and international deterrence strategy.

During a virtual meeting on Wednesday with U.S. Ambassador to Yemen Steven Fagin, Major General Al-Zubaidi highlighted the Presidential Leadership Council’s readiness to engage in any regional and international efforts aimed at putting an end to the terrorism practiced by the Houthi militia in Yemen and the region, whether through peaceful or military means. He pointed out that eliminating the Houthi threat requires genuine cooperation between the countries of the region and the world.

The meeting reviewed the latest developments in the economic and humanitarian situation in Yemen, and the economic and administrative reforms being undertaken by the Presidential Leadership Council and the government to activate state institutions and improve their performance.

The meeting also discussed the decisions taken by the Presidential Leadership Council through a series of measures through the Central Bank of Yemen and several service ministries, which aimed in their entirety to stop Houthi tampering with the banking sector and ensure access for government service institutions, especially Yemenia Airways.

The meeting touched on developments related to the efforts being made by the international community and regional countries to end the war and achieve peace in Yemen and the region. In this regard, Major General Al-Zubaidi reiterated the Presidential Leadership Council’s readiness to engage in any political process to achieve peace in the country through the negotiating team representing the various political forces participating in the Presidential Leadership Council.

For his part, the U.S. Ambassador affirmed his country’s support for all measures taken by the Presidential Leadership Council to enhance state authority and its appreciation for its positive response to the efforts made by the international community and regional countries to end the war and achieve peace.

Ambassador Fagin also reiterated his government’s commitment to supporting the Presidential Leadership Council and the government, stressing that the United States is following with great concern the growing Houthi escalation in international shipping lanes in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab, and the Gulf of Aden, and is working alongside local, regional, and international partners to put an end to these threats.
