Aden, Yemen – Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak received the new World Food Programme (WFP) Representative to Yemen, Mr. Pierre Honnorat, in the temporary capital, Aden, on Wednesday.

The Prime Minister welcomed the new representative of the United Nations World Food Programme to Yemen, affirming the government’s keenness to provide all facilities and support to ensure the success of his mission.

He praised the level of partnership between the government and the WFP, and the continuous eagerness to develop this partnership and overcome all obstacles, including the funding gap. He stressed that the government will continue its efforts with its partners in donor countries to ensure that the WFP continues to provide its services and reach those in need.

During the meeting, they discussed the WFP’s work plan in Yemen for the coming period and the challenges it faces in areas controlled by the Houthi militia. This included discussing the violations against UN and international staff by the Houthis, particularly in light of their continued abductions, and the importance of the UN agencies and the international community taking decisive action and showing zero tolerance in this regard.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of adherence to standards and preventing any interference or manipulation of humanitarian aid provided through the WFP or depriving beneficiaries from it. He emphasized that this should be the basis for the WFP’s activities, especially in areas controlled by the terrorist Houthi militia. He expressed his hope that the new WFP representative would prioritize these issues.

For his part, the WFP Representative expressed appreciation for the facilities provided by the government to the program and the keenness to develop the level of partnership and coordination. He affirmed that the WFP will work with the government to overcome challenges, ensuring the fulfillment of its mission and mobilizing international support to cover the funding gap and ensure that aid reaches those who deserve it.
