Source: Saba News Agency

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, made a phone call on Wednesday to the Governor of Hadramout, Mabkhout bin Madi, to inquire about the conditions of citizens and the coordinated efforts with government agencies to improve services and enhance security and stability in the governorate.

During the call, His Excellency the President, on behalf of himself and the members of the Presidential Leadership Council and the Government, congratulated Governor bin Madi on the success of the Star of Al-Balda Festival, following the conclusion of its annual activities, as one of the best tourist destinations to enjoy this rare natural phenomenon in the region.

The Head of the Leadership Council listened to an explanation from the Governor of Hadramout about the general situation in the governorate, the efforts of the local authority in the security, service and development aspects, and alleviating the humanitarian suffering of citizens, foremost of which are radical solutions for the electricity sector and basic services, despite the financial crisis caused by the attacks of the Houthi terrorist militia on oil facilities with the support of the Iranian regime.

His Excellency the President praised the efforts of the local authority to normalize the situation in the governorate, noting the high responsibility and well-known dedication of the people of Hadramout in presenting their governorate as an example of peace, a cradle of human civilization, a source of inspiration for development and reconstruction, respect for state institutions and the rule of law, and spreading the culture of coexistence and moderation throughout the world.