Source: Saba News Agency

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, received at the Republican Palace in Mukalla city, on Wednesday, the leadership of the Hadhramaut Chamber of Commerce and Industry, headed by Omar Abdul Rahman Bajarsh, and a number of businessmen in the governorate, in the presence of the Governor, Mabkhout bin Madi.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council affirmed the importance of the meeting with the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hadhramaut Governorate, praising their efforts and humanitarian and development interventions in light of the unjust war ignited by the Houthi terrorist militia with the support of the Iranian regime.

He added, “We are proud of the role of the private sector in mitigating the impact of the humanitarian and service conditions, especially in the education and health sectors, and securing the market’s share of basic commodities, and we look forward to doubling your investments in various fields that are in dire need in light of the great financial pressures facing state institutions.”

His Excellency the President reviewed the financial challenges facing the government and their repercussions on the state’s public finances and its investment program, which has stopped in many sectors, especially after the attacks by the Houthi terrorist militia on oil facilities in Hadhramaut Governorate.

In this context, the President praised the support of the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and their continuous initiatives to help the government overcome these conditions.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council indicated that the government is working on a matrix to support the capabilities of the local authority in Hadhramaut Governorate, where the private sector lies at the heart of this promising matrix, expressing his hope that this governorate will be a vital economic center based on its exceptional ingredients and its ancient civilizational heritage in the financial and business sector.

The President affirmed the state’s keenness to maximize the pioneering role of the private sector in the development process, raising employment rates, economic recovery, and addressing the problems it faces, whether in terms of shipping services, working with unified window systems to facilitate its access to services away from centralization, and excessive bureaucracy.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council listened to the leadership of the Hadhramaut Chamber of Commerce and Industry and businessmen about the priorities of the business community in the governorate, its honorable national investments, the support required to facilitate its activities, protect industrial products, and enhance their competitiveness.