Source: Saba News Agency

The Council of Ministers held an extraordinary meeting chaired by Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, on Wednesday, in the temporary capital Aden. The meeting was dedicated to discussing the military situation and the ongoing development plan to enhance the performance and infrastructure of the armed and security forces. Discussions focused on elevating their efficiency to effectively respond to the evolving situation and its ramifications, and to strengthen response capabilities and maintain a high level of readiness for any scenarios in the ongoing battle to complete the restoration of the state and end the coup by the terrorist Houthi militia.

The Council of Ministers acknowledged the comprehensive responsibility of the Presidential Leadership Council and the government in supporting, reorganizing, and unifying the armed forces under the leadership of the Ministry of Defense. This includes developing military and combat tactics and techniques, supporting the securing of frontlines, and enhancing the security of land, sea, and air ports.

The Minister of Defense and the ministry’s leadership presented a comprehensive report to the Council of Ministers on the military and operational situation. The report highlighted efforts to enhance performance, raise the level of training, qualification, logistical support, and human resources. Additionally, it addressed the required needs, existing challenges, and proposals to overcome them.

Furthermore, the report encompassed the level of combat, armament, and financial readiness across various frontlines, in addition to the conditions of armed forces personnel. It also included proposals to improve their conditions, care for the families of martyrs, and treat the wounded.

The Council pledged to exert utmost effort in supporting the endeavors of the military establishment and providing its necessary requirements to fulfill its national role during this exceptional phase. This includes securing the needs of the armed forces to enable them to continue carrying out their current and future tasks. The Council extended its appreciation and reverence to all members of the armed forces stationed across various locations and frontlines, expressing immense pride in the sacrifices made by the personnel of this national institution, the Popular Resistance, and all military formations united in the battle to defend the republican system and the comprehensive national project. This project begins with ending the coup and completing the restoration of state institutions.

The Council offered condolences for the souls of all martyrs from the armed forces, security forces, the Popular Resistance, and all military and security formations, and all those who sacrificed their lives for the sake of freedom and the republican system, and all those who perished at the hands of the Houthi terrorist machine supported by the Iranian regime. It emphasized that these sacrifices will remain engraved in the memory of the Yemeni people and inscribed in bright letters on the pages of its modern history, and that the government will fulfill its duty towards the families of the martyrs, and care for the wounded and injured.

The Council of Ministers commended the high discipline and combat readiness of the armed and security forces, and the efforts undertaken by the Minister of Defense to enhance the efficiency of this sovereign ministry in carrying out its great and significant responsibilities in completing the restoration of the state and ending the coup, which represents the essence of the government’s performance and the measure of its success. The Council also expressed appreciation for the logistical support provided by the Coalition to Support Legitimacy, led by the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The Council approved the formation of a committee comprising the Ministries of Defense, Finance, Oil and Minerals, Public Health and Population, Endowments and Guidance, Information, Local Administration, Civil Service, Water and Environment, and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. This committee will be responsible for developing an executive matrix to meet the needs of the armed forces based on urgent priorities and in accordance with the report submitted by the Ministry of Defense.

At the outset of the meeting, the Prime Minister presented to the members of the Council the government’s vision, which prioritizes enhancing the leading role of the armed and security forces in the battle to restore the state, combat terrorism, and achieve the aspirations of the Yemeni people by ending the coup. He affirmed that the Yemeni people’s battle against the Houthi coup and its Iranian project is an existential battle with no room for complacency or appeasement, requiring support and backing for the armed and security forces.