Source: SABA News Agency

The Presidency of the Consultation and Reconciliation Authority, chaired by Mohammad al-Ghaithi, the President of the Authority, held a virtual meeting on Monday attended by the Vice Presidents of the Authority, Abdulmalik al-Mekhlafi, Sakhr al-Wajeeh, Jamilah Ali Raja’a and Judge Akram al-Aameri.

During the meeting, the Presidency of the Authority reviewed the results of the meetings of the permanent “specialized” committees, where the Social and Economic Committee and the Reconciliation and Transitional Justice Committee had concluded their first meetings at the headquarters of the Authority in the transitional Capital of Aden and came up with a number of issues that are being worked on and followed up on in coordination with the relevant authorities.

The Presidency of the Authority also followed up on the ongoing arrangements to hold the attendance meetings for the rest of the committees in Aden, “the Political Committee, the Media, Thought and Culture Committee, and the Rights and Freedoms Committee,” within the framework of completing the programs and plans set by the General Authority in its second session in June 2024.

The Presidency of the Authority discussed the political and economic developments in the country, particularly the peace efforts, the economic situation experienced by our people, which requires serious and urgent interventions and exceptional support from the brothers in the Arab Coalition, as well as the latest developments in Hadhramout Governorate and the efforts made there for appeasement and resolution.

The Presidency of the Authority condemned the heinous terrorist operations in Abyan Governorate that targeted the heroes of our armed forces from the Third Support and Backing Brigade, which claimed the lives of dozens of martyrs and wounded, stressing the need to give the efforts to combat terrorism special importance by all parties, especially the brotherly and friendly countries.

The Presidency of the Authority also condemned the continued oppressive campaigns of the Houthi terrorist militias against citizens, men and women, in al-Baydha’a Governorate and a number of other governorates, as well as the arrests and kidnappings that have targeted employees and workers in international organizations and activists, noting that these fabricated accusations and illegal measures are nothing but a new confirmation of the Houthis’ rejection of peace.

The Presidency of the Authority condemned the continued seizure by the Houthi militias of citizens’ homes, money and properties, the issuance of death sentences, and the dissemination and fabrication of accusations against national leaders and political party leaders, men and women, including the process of forcing former detainees from Yemeni citizens at the US Embassy to make confessions and accusing a number of prominent national political leaders and party leaders of treason, stressing that these actions are condemned and will not deceive our people.

During its meeting, the Presidency of the Authority called on the United Nations and the international community, especially the countries sponsoring peace in Yemen and human rights organizations, to condemn the terrorist acts carried out by ISIS, al-Qaeda and the Houthi militias, and to take serious measures, foremost of which is the release of detainees, prisoners and the disappeared.

At the end of the meeting, the Presidency of the Authority approved the submission of a number of written recommendations and proposals to the Presidential Leadership Council on a number of files and issues.

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