Source: The official website of President Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, received yesterday, Tuesday, at Ma’ashiq Palace in the interim capital, Aden, in the presence of Dr. Shaye Al-Zindani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, the credentials of Mr. Dang Xuan Zong, the ambassadors of the Republic of Vietnam, Petra Menander, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden, and Faisal Ali Ibrahim, the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia to Yemen.

His Excellency the President also received the credentials of Mr. Gerard Kingahem, the Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland, Christoph Ceska, the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria, and Suhail Ejaz Khan, the Ambassador of the Republic of India to Yemen.

His Excellency received the credentials of Nelson Manuel Cosme, the Ambassador of the Republic of Angola, and Qais Saad Al-Amiri, the ambassador of the brotherly Republic of Iraq to Yemen.

In separate meetings, the ambassadors accredited to the Republic of Yemen conveyed the greetings of their countries’ leaders to the President and members of the Presidential Leadership Council, wishing them good health and happiness, and security, stability and peace for the Yemeni people.

The ambassadors also conveyed the condolences of their leaders for the victims of terrorist operations in Abyan Governorate, and for the floods and torrents that hit the governorates of Hajjah, Hodeidah, Taiz and Marib.

For his part, His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi welcomed the new ambassadors, and asked them to convey his greetings, and those of his fellow members of the Council, to the leaders of their countries, stressing the provision of all facilities and support to represent their countries and serve bilateral relations to the fullest extent.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council praised the distinguished relations between Yemen and the countries of the new ambassadors, and their firm positions alongside the Yemeni people, their political leadership, and their aspirations to restore state institutions and end the coup of the Houthi militias supported by the Iranian regime.

His Excellency the President expressed his pride, along with his fellow members of the Council, the government, and the Yemeni people, in the unified position of the international community in support of constitutional legitimacy, Yemen’s sovereignty, independence, and the integrity of its territories.

His Excellency touched upon the efforts made to rebuild the Yemeni state institutions in the interim capital Aden on the basis of partnership, peacebuilding, and ending the war, which has left one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.

He said, “Despite the important national transformation by forming the Presidential Leadership Council, the regional and international momentum to revive the political process, and the initiatives provided by the government in support of this path, the peace file has been stalled, due to the intransigence of the militias, and the preference of the interests of their supporters over the interests of the Yemeni people.”

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council reiterated that the state that guarantees rights, freedoms, and the rule of law enforcement on the basis of justice and equal citizenship is the only one that will make Yemen more secure, stable, and effective in its regional and international surroundings.

The President considered that any laxity on the part of the international community in deterring threats to international peace and security would make the practice of repression, systematic attacks on public freedoms and piracy on commercial ships a systematic method of blackmail by the Houthi militias.

His Excellency the President stressed that sustainable peace must be based on justice, fairness, non-discrimination, and addressing the effects of the past, foremost among which is the southern issue. He also confirmed that the path to ensuring stability in the region must pass through supporting the legitimate government, enhancing its ability to build the economy, provide services, and extend its sovereignty over the entire national territory.

The President of the Leadership Council reiterated the importance of relying on the legitimate government as a reliable partner to ensure freedom of international navigation, and combat extremism, terrorism, and piracy.

His Excellency also expressed his hope that the international community would adhere to the decision to ban weapons that destabilize the security and stability of Yemen and the region as a whole.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council briefed the new ambassadors on the path of economic reforms and the challenges facing them in light of the catastrophic repercussions of the terrorist Houthi attacks on oil facilities that caused the loss of about 70 % of the state’s resources.

In this context, the President of the Presidential Leadership Council praised the fraternal development and humanitarian interventions of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy led by the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, saying, “Without this support, the government today would be unable to fulfill its basic obligations, including the inability to pay employees’ salaries.”

His Excellency expressed his aspiration for greater international economic support for the government, humanitarian response plans and the efforts of brothers and friends to establish peace in Yemen in accordance with its national, regional and international references.