Source: Official website of President Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi

His Excellency Dr. Rashad Muhammad Al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, affirmed the pivotal role of Taiz in the national equation as a maker of transformations, a cradle of change, and an incubator for movements of struggle and national liberation in the north and south.

This came during a public meeting of the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, accompanied by Council Members Dr. Abdullah Al-Alimi and Sheikh Othman Mujalli, with the leadership of the local authority, political, civil, women’s, and youth components in Taiz Governorate yesterday, Tuesday, on the campus of Taiz University.

President Al-Alimi said that Taiz, which gave birth to Professor Al-Numan and his great companions, men and women, and embraced Al-Zubairi, Ali Abd Al-Mughni, Al-Shaabi, Labuza, and Badhib, was a platform for generosity from Sana’a in the north, and a refuge and a continuous supply line for complete liberation in the south. It will remain immortal in the national memory as a maker of transformations, a cradle of change, a capital of steadfastness, and a rejection of racism and tyranny.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council asked the attendees to stand for a minute of silence in honor of the souls of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in defense of freedom and the republican system.

The President expressed his thanks, and that of his brothers, the members of the Presidential Leadership Council, for the warm welcome they received during the visit from the people of Taiz Governorate along the way to the capital of the dear governorate.

His Excellency thanked the leadership of the local authority, the leaders of the governorate, its women, youth, men, the armed forces, security, political components, all of whom contributed to the good arrangement of this evaluation visit, which will be followed by other visits.

He said, “We are here today, my brothers, members of the Council, the accompanying ministerial and advisory team, to salute the steadfastness of the heroes and people of this governorate in defending the republic, freedom, dignity, and the values of justice and equality in the face of the Imamate project that our people buried seven decades ago.”

The President indicated that Taiz, which was known for its gods of fertility, a shrine of love, and a story that never dies, is also glory, the coast, the ancient port, and the most prominent capital of a state of law in medieval history, immortalized by remembrance, farthest in reputation, generosity, and sacrifice.

He added, “From here passed the revolutionaries of September and October together, including the three victors in the Battle of the Seventies: Judge Al-Eryani, General Al-Amri, and Captain Abd al-Raqeeb Abd al-Wahhab. Here, the martyr Ahmed Saif Al-Yafei also embodied the values of cohesion between the north and the south in the best way possible.”

He continued, “And here today, in this hall, their children and grandchildren gather again from all over Yemen, affirming that they are all in another legendary epic that has no choice but to achieve victory and build a just federal state.”

His Excellency the President explained that it is difficult to give Taiz Governorate its due, as it was credited, along with the rest of the people of the liberated governorates, with deterring the Imamate project and keeping the flame of change burning in hearts and souls. He pointed out that the best way to repay this governorate is complete liberation, and to make it, as it has always been, a starting point for salvation from the forces of tyranny, colonialism, and theocracy in all parts of the country.

He considered that this is the responsibility and priority that the people of Taiz have accepted throughout the ages, and no matter what is said about their national movement of falsehoods, it will remain an example of selflessness and a genuine tendency towards the modern state that all Yemenis deserve.

His Excellency the President addressed the challenges and concerns that preoccupy the people of the governorate, foremost of which are electricity, water, and all basic services. However, he stressed that the sustainability of these services will only be achieved by returning our exhausted country to its natural course: a liberated, stable country, and an active member in its Gulf, Arab, and international systems.

His Excellency the President expressed his confidence, and that of his brothers, the members of the Council, that the people of Taiz cannot barter freedom and equal citizenship for false propaganda of any kind, and they cannot be distracted by an initiative here or there from the suffering of our people in areas under the control of the militias shackled by restrictions of oppression and racism after nearly seven decades since the great September revolution. His Excellency the President touched upon all the initiatives presented by the Presidential Leadership Council and the government to push the militias to make peace, saying, “But we have not found common ground with them to move forward on this path, as they have nothing but war and destruction as a zero-sum option.”

He considered that supporting the steadfastness of this governorate, alleviating the suffering of its people, creating job opportunities, and improving its services, including developing the education system, developing its local resources, and caring for the families of martyrs and wounded, will remain a top priority at all levels.

He pointed out that, based on these principles, this visit began with the laying of the foundation stone for the Martyrs’ Memorial, which commemorates the sacrifices of the people of this proud governorate and all the martyrs of the Republic, in addition to the inauguration of more than 260 vital projects with the support of the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the local authority in various fields.

His Excellency the President briefed the leaders and components of Taiz on the difficulties and challenges regarding the limited opportunities to achieve all the legitimate aspirations and aspirations of the people of Taiz Governorate and the rest of the liberated governorates, especially with regard to strategic projects that were planned to be launched before the Houthi terrorist militia launched its devastating attacks on our oil facilities, which cost the state treasury about 70 percent of its main resources.

He said, “Therefore, the projects that we are inaugurating or laying the foundation stone for today are mostly supported by the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, foremost of which are the faculties of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, the Oncology Center, and the city’s power plant with a capacity of thirty megawatts, in addition to the strategic Turbah-Lahij road, the teaching hospital, and a prospective college of dentistry, as well as the projects being implemented by the brothers in the United Arab Emirates in the governorate’s western coastal districts.”

In this context, he praised the generous grant from the brothers in the Kingdom, which played a decisive role in continuing to pay the salaries of employees, at a time when the government is working to improve its own resources towards the goal of self-reliance and reducing the dominance of oil revenues on the revenues of the state’s general budget, which is achieving good progress in this direction with the support of brothers and friends.

At the end of his speech, His Excellency the President renewed his thanks and appreciation to the leadership of the local authority and all the active forces in the governorate for their prominent role in keeping the voice of its people high, led by the political components and the Reconciliation and Social Peace Committee, which set an example to be emulated in promoting the values of tolerance and upholding the public interest, as well as social figures and dignitaries, men of justice, women, and youth, who have always carried the torches of change and creativity in resisting war and enhancing opportunities for steadfastness.

He said, “The governorate has appeared during this visit at its appropriate level, and we hope that this will not be a passing or seasonal measure, but rather a sustainable work program in various sectors,” stressing that the Presidential Leadership Council and the government will monitor the performance of the local authority, including at the district level, during the next six months and decide what is necessary to correct performance and enhance the presence of state institutions.

The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council also pledged to work to respond to the appeals of the wounded through radical solutions commensurate with their precious sacrifices for the sake of the elevation and glory of our homeland. His Excellency pointed out his directives to evacuate civilian institutions from armed manifestations, including the Technical Institute and Al-Saqr Club, and to study the possibility of renting citizens’ homes in areas of contact, in a way that ensures their safety and the protection of their private property to the fullest extent.

He also pointed out his directives to prepare technical studies to rely on renewable energy, especially in the health and agricultural sectors, by benefiting from the experience supported by the brothers in the United Arab Emirates.

His Excellency the President encouraged universities to move towards technical and qualitative specializations, including artificial intelligence, communications, and information systems.

Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council praised the city of Taiz for commemorating the anniversary of the founding of the General People’s Congress a few days ago, expressing his sincere congratulations to the leaders and members of the Congress party. His Excellency offered his condolences for the martyrs of the party, led by the martyr President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his comrade, the martyr Arif Al-Zouka. He called on the political and civil forces to further solidarity, maximize their partnerships, and devote themselves to the battle of the Yemeni people as a broad title and a charter of honor for the next stage.

He affirmed his confidence that the people of Taiz, burdened by the pain of this governorate, will be up to a great deal of responsibility, rise above side battles, and free themselves from being framed as a society more susceptible to division and discord. They will remember at every moment the saying of Allah Almighty: “and do not dispute and [thus] lose courage and [then] your strength would depart.”

The Governor of Taiz Governorate, Nabil Shamsan, delivered a speech in which he welcomed His Excellency the President, the members of the Leadership Council, and state leaders, praising the role of the people of the governorate in various stages and circumstances.

Governor Nabil Shamsan referred to what the local authority had accomplished during the past years in terms of normalizing conditions, restoring stability, and fighting corruption, in addition to the promising economic and social plans that await appropriate funding for their completion.

He also touched upon the humanitarian suffering that the people of the governorate are going through, as it is the most affected governorate in the country by the violations of the Houthi terrorist militia.

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