Source: Prime Minister’s Office

On Saturday, Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak issued a decision to form a committee to investigate the gas station explosion in Al-Mansoura District in the temporary capital, Aden, which resulted in several fatalities, injuries, and material damages.

This follows an immediate field visit by the Prime Minister to the gas station site after the incident occurred, on Friday evening, to assess the effects of the explosion, understand the circumstances of the incident, listen to explanations from citizens and relevant authorities about the incident, and the preventive measures that need to be taken to avoid such incidents.

Prime Ministerial Decision No. 36 of 2024 stipulates the formation of an investigation committee headed by the General Director of the Yemen Oil and Gas Corporation, with representatives from the Ministries of Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Justice, Interior (Civil Defense Department) and (Criminal Evidence Administration), and the local authority in Aden Governorate.

The committee is tasked with investigating the circumstances of the gas filling station explosion in Al-Mansoura District in Aden Governorate and submitting a report on its findings and recommendations to the Prime Minister within a period not exceeding five days from the date of issuance.

In this context, Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak directed the Central Organization for Control and Auditing to assign a team of experts to review all licenses issued for the construction of gas stations by the Yemen Gas Company since 2016 until the present date.

The directive emphasized that the Control and Auditing team should ensure that the issued licenses for gas station construction comply with the legally stipulated standards and conditions, stressing the importance of promptly informing the Prime Minister of the results, to take stringent measures against violators accordingly.

Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak had inspected the site of the incident caused by the explosion of a gas tank at one of the gas stations at the intersection of Hashid-90th Street in Al-Mansoura, listened to the measures taken by the specialized authorities to contain the fire, which resulted in three deaths and several injuries, and ordered an assessment of the damages resulting from the explosion.

During the visit, the Prime Minister emphasized punishing any official found to be involved in issuing illegal permits for gas stations in residential areas in violation of occupational safety procedures and standards, which pose serious risks to residents, affirming that community safety must always be the utmost priority and that those responsible for negligence should be fully held accountable for their shortcomings.

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