Source: Saba News Agency

Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak affirmed the government’s support for the Supreme Medical Council in carrying out its duties in rigorously applying the regulations and standards governing the practice of medical professions, due to its importance in protecting patients.

This came during the Prime Minister’s chairmanship on Thursday at the College of Medicine in the temporary capital, Aden, of a portion of the eighth periodic meeting of the Supreme Medical Council, which was dedicated to discussing a number of issues, including reports from the council’s committees, executive and operational procedures for the Classification, Evaluation, Equivalency, Registration, Licensing and Practice Committee, as well as other relevant topics.

Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak stressed the council’s role in combating negative medical practices and errors and confronting their perpetrators, and strengthening aspects of oversight over the profession, starting with ensuring the professional competence of higher education institutions and the quality of their medical graduates, all the way to practicing the profession and correcting any distortions in the practice of medicine. He pointed out the importance of setting controls and activating them to stop deterioration, work on improvement, and raise the standards of the profession.

The Prime Minister pointed to the expected role of the Supreme Medical Council, including protecting medical professions from negative practices that have severely damaged the reputation of some medical facilities. He directed the council to work towards achieving effective oversight over all facilities and workers in the medical sector, addressing existing problems, and developing educational outcomes.

The Head of the Supreme Medical Council, Dr. Omar Al-Saqqaf, gave an explanation of the work and tasks of the council according to the law, the existing challenges, and the required cooperation from the government, which would lead to achieving the tasks entrusted to the council in developing medical professions.

The meeting was attended by the President of the University of Aden, Dr. Al-Khader Lasour, and the Director of the Prime Minister’s Office, Eng. Anis Baharitha.

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