Source: Prime Minister’s Office

Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak discussed, on Monday, with the Qatari Minister of State for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lolwah bint Rashid Al-Khater, bilateral cooperation between the two countries and areas of support that could be provided to Yemen in economic and service sectors, according to priorities coordinated with the government.

The meeting reviewed several priority support paths in the fields of electricity, addressing the effects of climate change and its disasters, educational aspects, social protection, the development of Khalifa Hospital in Taiz, completing the strategic Patis-Rasd road in Yafa which is 110 kilometers long with 70% already completed with Qatari support, in addition to opening an airline route from Aden Airport to Doha Airport.

Prime Minister Bin Mubarak presented the existing needs in priority areas that directly affect improving the living conditions of citizens and alleviating their suffering due to the ongoing war by the Houthi militia, and mechanisms for coordination and cooperation with brothers in Qatar to define support priorities. He highlighted the bilateral relations between Yemen and Qatar and the mutual desire to develop and enhance them in all fields, expressing his great appreciation for the understanding and willingness to provide all possible support and assistance to Yemen.

For her part, the Qatari Minister of State for International Cooperation reaffirmed her country’s supportive stance towards the Yemeni government, emphasizing that Qatar will significantly contribute to the required solutions to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The meeting was attended by the Yemeni Ambassador to Qatar, Rajih Badi, and the Prime Minister’s advisor, Ambassador Mujib Othman.

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