Source: Saba News Agency

Major General Faraj Al-Bahsani, member of the Presidential Leadership Council, met today, Saturday, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, Dr. Shaya’ Al-Zindani, to discuss the latest developments in diplomatic work and efforts to strengthen Yemen’s foreign relations.

The member of the Presidential Leadership Council listened to a presentation by the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the results of his recent visit to Russia, which witnessed important steps towards strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries, in addition to the efforts made to consolidate relations with brotherly and friendly countries, in a way that enhances political and diplomatic support for the Presidential Leadership Council and the government in their battle against the terrorist Houthi militia.

The meeting discussed the conditions of Yemeni embassies abroad and possible ways to enhance their role in the current stage, especially in light of the political and military developments. Major General Al-Bahsani stressed the need to intensify diplomatic efforts to strengthen international relations in a way that supports the stability of our country, expressing the Presidential Leadership Council’s readiness to provide the necessary support to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to enable it to carry out its duties and tasks in the required manner.

The member of the Presidential Leadership Council praised the great efforts made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs in strengthening our country’s position on the international arena, despite the great challenges it faces in light of the ongoing war. He also commended the vital role played by our country’s embassies abroad to enhance bilateral relations with brotherly and friendly countries, and to work to achieve the interests of members of the Yemeni communities abroad. He stressed the need to continue and intensify these efforts during the coming period in a way that serves national goals.

The member of the Presidential Leadership Council considered that the diplomatic successes achieved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs represent a strong support for the military and political efforts made on the ground, and that consolidating Yemen’s foreign relations will have a major impact on expanding international support for our country in the face of current challenges.

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