Source: Saba News Agency

On Friday, the Republic of Yemen participated in the 68th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), with a delegation headed by Ambassador Haitham Shujauddin, Ambassador of Yemen to Austria and Permanent Representative to the IAEA.

In Yemen’s statement at the conference, Ambassador Shujauddin affirmed Yemen’s support for the IAEA’s activities in the fields of cancer treatment, science and technology, and support for its verification and monitoring activities in Iran in light of Security Council Resolution 2231 of 2015. He praised the IAEA’s support for the health sector in Yemen, particularly in the field of cancer treatment, noting Yemen’s aspiration to complete the visit of the IAEA team to the interim capital, Aden, to establish a new cancer treatment center.

Ambassador Shujauddin reiterated Yemen’s absolute rejection of the attacks carried out by the Houthi terrorist militia, with full support from Iran, in Yemeni territorial waters in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Arabian Sea, which only benefit Iran and pose a threat to international navigation, the global economy, and regional and international peace and security, as well as harming global trade and the peoples of the region and the world.

He stressed the importance of reconsidering the approach to dealing with the Houthi threat to international waterways and continuing to support the Presidential Leadership Council and the Yemeni government. He called for continued efforts to find alternatives and necessary facilities to ensure the continued implementation of technical cooperation projects in countries experiencing conflicts or exceptional circumstances, including Yemen. He also stressed the need for the IAEA to form a team from the secretariat of the policy-making bodies within the IAEA to consider new policies to facilitate the implementation of technical cooperation projects in conflict-affected countries.

Ambassador Shujauddin pointed out that the brutal Israeli aggression on the occupied Palestinian territories in the Gaza Strip is still ongoing for the eleventh month, leaving thousands of martyrs and wounded, amid the silence of the international community on this humanitarian tragedy and heinous massacres. This coincides with threats issued by an Israeli official to drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza and exterminate its inhabitants. He called for a swift halt to this aggression, an end to this humanitarian tragedy, holding the perpetrators accountable, and achieving the full legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to all their lands and the establishment of their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The General Conference is the highest policy-making body of the International Atomic Energy Agency, comprising representatives of all its Member States.

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