President Dr. Rashad Muhammad Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, received the UK Ambassador, Her Excellency Abdu Sharif, at his residence in the temporary capital, Aden, on Sunday.

The two sides discussed ways to strengthen and develop existing cooperative relations between Yemen and the UK in various fields, including politics, economics, security, and humanitarian affairs. The meeting touched upon bilateral relations between the two friendly countries, national developments, including the serious human rights violations committed by the Houthis, and their escalation of the war on various fronts.

The meeting also discussed the ongoing catastrophic repercussions of Houthi attacks on oil facilities, and the role required of the international community to alleviate the growing humanitarian suffering caused by Houthi piracy and attacks on merchant ships and international shipping lanes.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council praised the distinguished bilateral relations between the two friendly countries, and the additional British commitments to address the needs of the Yemeni people, especially in the fields of food and health.

On the path to peace, the President of the Presidential Leadership Council reiterated the Council’s and the government’s commitment to a comprehensive and just peace based on nationally, regionally, and internationally agreed-upon references, and support for the good efforts of our brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in this regard, and openness to all initiatives that will alleviate the humanitarian suffering of the Yemeni people.

The meeting also discussed British support for the Yemeni Coast Guard forces, joint efforts to combat terrorism, arms smuggling, drugs, and organized crime, and the required punitive measures to deter Houthi violations of international humanitarian law and related international resolutions.