Source: Saba News Agency

Member of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), Governor of Marib governorate Sultan al-Arada convened yesterday, Sunday evening, a meeting of the Emergency Committee to deal with natural disaster effects in the wake of the torrential rainfalls and strong winds which overwhelmed the governorate Sunday morning due to the atmosphere depression that is expected to continue for 72 hours.

The torrential rainfalls resulted in heavy floods swept the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps, claiming the lives of four IDP, hurting ten others, causing large-scale damages to the public and private-owned properties.

The authorities and officials in charge reported about the damages the IDPs’ shelters and houses suffered.

Primary statistics indicated that 41 of IDP camps were swept by the heavy rainfalls, floods and strong winds. As a result 2973 of the IDP families shelters totally ruined and 4206 partially damaged.

The affected families have been sheltered in temporary sheltering centers, mainly schools were singled out to be used at the emergencies.

The emergencies teams have been working to reinstate the basic services, mainly electricity.

The Member of the PLC ordered authorities in charge to move in alacrity to provide the affected IDP families with the basic needs, including foods and sheltering requirements.