Source: Saba News Agency

Dr. Abdullah Al-Alimi, member of the Presidential Leadership Council, received on Saturday the Preparatory Committee for the Unified Council of the Eastern Governorates, headed by Professor Abdulhadi Abdulilah Al-Tamimi. The meeting discussed the latest developments in the eastern governorates of Hadramout, Shabwa, Al-Mahra, and Socotra, and the committee’s national efforts.

Dr. Al-Alimi listened to an explanation from Abdulhadi Al-Tamimi and the attendees about the objectives of the Unified Council of the Eastern Governorates, their significant efforts and future plans, as well as the conditions in their governorates and the difficult economic and service circumstances they are experiencing due to the war waged by the Houthi militia against the Yemeni people.

The member of the Presidential Leadership Council stressed the emphasis on the project of a federal state based on the fundamental terms of reference represented by the Gulf Initiative and its Implementation Mechanism, the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference, and UN Security Council Resolution 2216. He pointed out that these terms of reference are the foundation upon which the state and legitimacy stand today, and they have garnered local, regional, and international support. He emphasized that the Yemeni people in all governorates, especially those in the eastern governorates, have made precious sacrifices and shed blood to achieve their just project of genuine and fair partnership in power and wealth through a just federal state. He stressed that there is absolutely no return to centralization under any new or old names.

The member of the Leadership Council called on everyone to unite their ranks, transcend differences and narrow interests, and work to achieve rapprochement with all political and social components to serve their governorates and their people. He thanked the Preparatory Committee for their initiative and efforts.