Yemen faces enormous challenges as a result of the ongoing conflict that has been raging for years in many service and development sectors in the country. This necessitates the reconstruction of what the war has destroyed through the combined efforts of all local and international efforts, and the international community must exert tremendous and sustainable efforts to ensure the success of the reconstruction process and build a better future for Yemen.

Within the framework of these efforts, many fruitful meetings are held by the government with international organizations that play a vital role in achieving the process of building peace and reconstruction in Yemen, which aims to coordinate joint efforts among all parties and determine priorities in the reconstruction process. His Excellency Dr. Jalal Faqira, Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, met on Wednesday, April 30, 2024, with Ms. Bana Kaluti, Regional Director for the Middle East and Representative of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Operations Center in Amman, to discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the fields of reconstruction of infrastructure in Yemen and the provision of basic services to citizens.

During the meeting, Ambassador Faqira reviewed the extensive damage to infrastructure projects in Yemen as a result of the war waged by the Houthi group on state institutions for more than nine years in most governorates of the republic, stressing the tireless efforts made by the Presidential Leadership Council headed by President Dr. Rashad Muhammad Al-Alimi, the members, and the Yemeni government to improve the living conditions of citizens and provide them with basic services. He expressed Yemen’s aspiration for a greater role from the United Nations agencies, especially the United Nations Office for Project Services, in supporting the country’s development plans and reconstructing what the war has destroyed.

For her part, Ms. Kaluti affirmed the commitment of the United Nations Office for Project Services to support Yemen in various fields, noting that the office is working in coordination with the Yemeni government to implement many vital projects in the fields of solar energy, water and sanitation, infrastructure, roads, and providing electricity to hospitals and schools. Ms. Kaluti praised the facilities provided by the Yemeni government and the Yemeni embassy in Jordan to the United Nations Office for Project Services, expressing the office’s readiness to continue cooperation with Yemen to support its efforts in reconstruction and development.

This meeting is an important step in strengthening cooperation between Yemen and the United Nations, especially in light of the difficult circumstances that Yemen is going through as a result of the war that has exhausted Yemeni citizens. The joint efforts between the two sides show their keenness to rebuild what the war has destroyed and improve the lives of Yemeni citizens. Ambassador Faqira’s statements also indicate the Yemeni government’s determination to move forward with development and reconstruction plans, despite the major challenges it faces, and Ms. Kaluti’s statements confirm the United Nations’ commitment to supporting Yemen at this difficult stage.

It is expected that strengthening cooperation between Yemen and the United Nations will contribute to achieving sustainable development in the country and improving the conditions of Yemeni citizens in the long term.

By Admin