Member of the Presidential Leadership Council Major General Aidaros al-Zubaidi discussed the latest political developments in Yemen with the British Ambassador to Yemen, Abda Sherif, during a phone call on Sunday. The conversation focused on efforts led by the UN Envoy to end the conflict and achieve peace.

Major General Al-Zubaidi emphasized that the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia continues its intransigence and rejection of all calls for dialogue. He pointed out that their ongoing escalation in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab, and on the front lines in several governorates proves their lack of seriousness in dealing with all peace initiatives.

General Al-Zubaidi reiterated the Presidential Leadership Council’s readiness for any upcoming negotiations to end the conflict in Yemen. He noted that the Council has formed a negotiating team, representing all parties within the framework of the Council.

He went over the latest developments related to the economic situation in Yemen and its repercussions on the humanitarian situation, and the regional and international efforts to alleviate the repercussions on the living conditions of the people across the country.

For her part, the British Ambassador reaffirmed her government’s support for the Presidential Leadership Council and all efforts aimed at ending the conflict and achieving peace in Yemen. She stressed the importance of an inclusive political process without preconditions.
