Major General Aidarous Qassem al-Zubaidi, member of the Presidential Leadership Council, received on Saturday at the Presidential Palace in the interim capital, Aden, a number of sheikhs and dignitaries from Saada Governorate.

Major General al-Zubaidi welcomed the sheikhs and dignitaries from Saada Governorate. He listened to a detailed explanation of the situation in the governorate, in light of the ongoing violations and inhumane practices committed by the Houthi terrorist militia against the people of the governorate. He was briefed on the militia’s attempts to impose its ideology on the population by force and its endeavors to transform the governorate into a center for exporting the extremist Iranian theological approach to other governorates and countries in the region, aiming to alter their cultural and religious identity.

Major General al-Zubaidi affirmed the Presidential Leadership Council’s support for genuine and sincere popular and tribal efforts to unite the people of Saada Governorate and other governorates still under the control of the Houthi terrorist militia, to confront its ongoing violations against citizens. He emphasized the Council’s support for any endeavors that would rid Yemen and the region of the scourge of this militia, whose harm has extended to pose a threat even to other countries around the world.

In a brief speech addressed to the attendees of Saada sheikhs and dignitaries, Major General al-Zubaidi said, “We stand with you and by your side with all our might until we reach you in Saada, and you return to your homes and live there with dignity and honor, in a manner befitting your sacrifices.”

He added, “The Houthi militia is now classified as a terrorist group by the international community, and its project will end by the consensus of the whole world. What it is doing today in terms of terrorism and piracy in international shipping lanes is nothing but the last nail in its coffin.”

Major General al-Zubaidi stressed that the movement of the people of Saada to unite their ranks in the face of the Houthi militia and their declared rejection of its sectarian ideas and agendas will provide the necessary motivation and courage for the people of other regions to follow the same path and begin forming a real resistance that leads to getting rid of this militia and its ideology.

The member of the Presidential Leadership Council stressed the importance of preparing for the next stage, peacefully or militarily, pointing out in this context that all the facts on the ground indicate that the Houthi terrorist militia will not opt for peace and will continue its terrorism and targeting of international navigation in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab, and the Gulf of Aden, and its obstruction of all efforts and endeavors made by brothers and friends to achieve peace.

At the end of his speech, Major General al-Zubaidi expressed his thanks and appreciation for the sincere brotherly stances of the brothers in the coalition countries, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and their support for our people in all circumstances in the past and present, stressing that the relationship with the brothers is fateful and cemented by blood and shared sacrifices.

For their part, the attendees of Saada sheikhs and dignitaries praised the supportive positions of Major General al-Zubaidi for the people of the governorate and all governorates that are still under the control of the Houthi militia, stressing their readiness to move and lead the ranks to confront the militia that has inflicted all kinds of suffering on the citizens in Saada and other governorates.
