The news monitoring covered the current events on the Yemeni arena for the period (8 June – 14 June) in the international, Arab and local media. The media witnessed great coverage of various events, especially in the political, humanitarian, and military sides.

The media coverage of the international, Arab and local media of the Yemeni issue will be highlighted by explaining the complete frames that have been addressed and providing the numbers and statistical data for what has been monitored.

  1. International media:

News monitoring for international media was carried out during the period (8 June – 14 June). The monitoring covered 57 media outlets and 167 news articles, as shown in Table (1).

Types of media outletsNo. of media outletsNo. of stories
International agencies1270
International newspapers1439
International channels1538
International websites1620

Table (1)

The international media covered the Yemeni issue in a large way this week, with great emphasis on the political and humanitarian aspects, and the military aspect in particular. The number of articles that were monitored in the international media reached 167 news articles. Where the political side received 24 news articles, 14%. The humanitarian side received 42 news articles, 25%. The military side was covered with 81 articles, a rate of 49%. Then the rest of the frames come as shown in the table below.


Table (2)

Graph (1)

  1. Arab media

News monitoring for Arab media was carried out during the period (8 June – 14 June). The monitoring covered 44 media outlets and 152 news articles, as shown in Table (3).

Types of media outletsNo. of media outletsNo. of stories
London-based newspapers648
Arabic newspapers1748
Arabic channels1142
Arabic websites1014

Table (3)

The Arab media covered the Yemeni issue extensively this week. The number of articles that were monitored during this week reached 152 news articles. Where the political side received 29 articles, at a rate of 19%. The humanitarian framework received 26 articles, or 17%. As for the military framework, it received 65 articles, or 43%. Then the rest of the frames come as shown in the table below.


Table (4)

(2) Graph

  • Local Media

During the period (8 June – 14 June), local media were searched in 32 media outlets, and 230 news articles were monitored, as shown in Table (5).

Media Outlet TypeNo of Media OutletsNo of Stories
News Agencies428
Yemeni TV Nets669
Yemeni Media Newspapers769
Yemeni Media Websites1564

Table (5)

The local media covered the events on the Yemeni arena, and 230 articles were monitored in various aspects during the period (8 June – 14 June), the political side monitored 64 articles, with a percentage of 28%. As for the military side, it received less media attention than the political side. 80 articles were monitored on the military side with a percentage of 35%. As for the humanitarian side, 39 articles were monitored, with a percentage of 17%. The rest of the frames are as shown in the table and graph as follows:


Table (6)

Graph (3)

Media Analysis

International, Arab, and local media covered the Yemeni file in all its political, humanitarian, military, economic, etc. aspects. The political media covered, a source in the Yemeni “Ansar Allah” group announcing to “Sputnik News Agency” the group’s intention to announce the formation of a new government early next month to manage the areas under its control. In addition to that, the US State Department condemned the detentions by Yemeni “Ansar Allah” group of UN employees and local American mission staff alleged to be a spy cell working for the US and Israel. As for the humanitarian aspect, it witnessed widespread coverage due to the worsening humanitarian crisis, as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said that at least 49 migrants have drowned and 140 others remained missing after their overloaded boat capsized off the coast of Yemen. Adding to that, the American Center for Justice (ACJ) confirming that the “Ansar Allah” group is holding about 50 workers in UN and international organizations, including 18 UN staff. The military aspect also witnessed broader media coverage than in previous weeks, as the military media covered, Yemeni “Ansar Allah” group spokesman Yahya Saree saying that the group targeted the “Tutor” ship in the Red Sea with a guided boat, drones, and ballistic missiles, noting that the attack caused serious damage to the targeted ship and it is at risk of sinking.
