Source: The official website of President Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, on Wednesday, awarded Mr. Adel bin Abdulrahman Al-Asoumi, the Speaker of the Arab Parliament, the Unity Medal of the First Class.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council, awarded the Bahraini parliamentarian Mr. Adel Al-Asoumi, the high medal during his reception, in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher, the Speaker of the Shura Council, as an expression of the gratitude of the Republic of Yemen, its leadership, government, and people for his courageous position at the head of the leadership of the Arab Parliament in defending the interests of the Yemeni people, their legitimate leadership, their Arab and Islamic identity. In addition to their aspirations to restore state institutions, achieve peace, stability, and development.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council praised the positions of the Kingdom of Bahrain within the coalition to support legitimacy led by the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the role of the Arab Parliament and its Speaker Adel Al-Asoumi in supporting the issues of the nation, foremost of which is the issue of the Yemeni people in regional and international forums. His Excellency also praised the effective parliamentary diplomacy that the Speaker adopts at all levels.

For his part, the Speaker of the Arab Parliament expressed his happiness with the presidential honor, and his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the President, the members of the Council and the government for the high medal that was granted to him.

Al-Asoumi praised the wise and rational positions of the Republic of Yemen in responding responsibly to peace efforts, and giving priority to the interests of the Yemeni people over any other interests, noting in the context the status and effective historical role of Yemen in strengthening joint Arab action.

During the reception, local and Arab developments were discussed, as well as the efforts required to strengthen cohesiveness and joint Arab action in confronting the challenges facing the nation.

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