Source: The official website of President Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi

His Excellency Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), along with sheikh Othman Mujalli, member of the Council, met, on Wednesday, at the Republican Palace in the city of Mukalla with Chiefs of the Courts and Prosecutions, representing the judiciary authority in Hadhramout Governorate.

At the meeting, which was attended by Mabkhout bin Madhi, the Governor of Hadhramout, the President stressed the importance of the meeting with representatives of the judiciary authority two years after the formation of the Supreme Judicial Council. The formation of this Council has been clearly reflected in the presence of the judiciary authority role and increasing citizen’s confidence in the courts and justice facilities, which contributes to imposing order and the rule of law.

The president of the Presidential Leadership Council stressed that regular meetings with men of justice reflect the Council’s support for the judicial authority and its firm belief in judicial authority independence and the principle of separation of powers. In addition, those meetings reflect the role of the judiciary in achieving justice and equality among all citizens, and protecting their rights, property, and public freedoms.

He emphasized that the Presidential Leadership Council and the government, as the executive authority, will be committed to their constitutional and legal obligations to implement the decisions and orders issued by the courts, stressing the need to comply with such decisions and orders. The President expressed his hope for double role of the judiciary in Hadhramout Governorate, as it is the focal point in the desired partnership project that the people of the governorate deserve.

For his part, Sheikh Othman Mujalli, the PLC member, emphasized the role of the judiciary in supporting local authorities’ efforts and monitoring state assets that cannot be disposed of without legal justification.

Mujalli also stressed the importance of the integrating relationship between all authorities to enhance the citizens’ confidence in state institutions and build the best model in the liberated governorates.