Source: The official website of President Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi

His Excellency, President Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, renewed the Council’s and the government’s support for the legitimate demands of the people of Hadhramaut Governorate, and giving it the priority and status it deserves. Given its capabilities, as well as its uniqueness as a model of peace, security, stability, recognition of the other, and a haven for all Yemenis.

His Excellency the President said in an interview with Hadhramaut TV that the feeling of internal and external security and peace that Hadhramaut gives to everyone is a special advantage that we call on the people of Hadhramaut to continue to preserve.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council, who concluded his second inspection visit to Hadhramaut Governorate yesterday, Sunday, stressed the keenness of the Council, the government, and the local authority to fulfill the legitimate service demands of the people of Hadhramaut and their political and societal components.

With regard to political demands, the President also stressed the commitment of the state leadership to continue addressing them, noting that Hadhramaut has become represented in the central institutions, and that today it manages its local affairs in all fields.

His Excellency the President also affirmed the commitment of the Presidential Leadership Council and the government to the decision to grant Hadhramaut Governorate its approved share of oil export revenues, announcing that the government will not be content with that, but will be keen to give Hadhramaut additional projects if the state’s revenues return and peace and security are achieved in the country.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council warned against trying to exploit these legitimate demands to disrupt people’s interests and disturb security and stability, stressing that this is “unacceptable because Hadhramaut is not accustomed to disrupting the interests of its people, but on the contrary, it has always been a model of security and stability with all its members and components.”

He pointed out that his recent visit to Hadhramaut aimed to checking on the conditions of the citizens, the level of implementation of the projects whose foundation stone was laid during the previous visit, and to support the efforts of the local authority to fulfill its inevitable obligations.

He explained that the level of achievement in these projects ranged between 40 to 60 %, with the exception of the sports city, the work of which was delayed due to several circumstances, including the continued suspension of oil exports due to the attacks of the terrorist Houthi militias. The State lost about 70 % of its resources, including 20 % of Hadhramaut Governorate’s share, which was allocated for development projects in the governorate.

He pointed out that despite these funding challenges, the state and local authorities are proceeding with the completion of service and development projects in various sectors. He pointed in this context to the announcement of a project to establish a new power plant with a capacity of 100 MW in Hadhramaut Governorate, including 50 MW in the valley and the same in the coast, with joint funding from the government and local authorities.

Regarding the economic file, His Excellency the President explained that the battle with the terrorist Houthi militias supported by the Iranian regime is multifaceted, “as it is a military, economic, political, intellectual and cultural battle as well.”

He said that these militias are an extension of a destructive project for the entire region. As there are two projects in the Arab region, the first project led by Iran, which is a project of destruction, sabotage and chaos not only in Yemen but in the entire region from Iraq to Lebanon and Syria. There is another project, which is a project of development, stability, peace and advancement led by moderate countries in the region, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and we in the legitimate government are part of this project.”

He added: “We are not advocates of war, but advocates of peace, we have said that repeatedly since the formation of the Presidential Leadership Council.” The President of the Presidential Leadership Council presented the government’s economic reform efforts and the independence of the Central Bank in making its decisions to manage monetary policy and supervise banks, exchange offices and transmitting. In addition to its decisions within the framework of the economic decisiveness policy to confront the steps taken by the terrorist Houthi militias against the banking system in the areas under their control by force.

He pointed out that the reversal of the recent decisions “was based on the priority of the public interest that we were keen on in the Leadership Council through considered and studied steps by the economic team, the government and the Central Bank regarding what should be taken in the field of economic decisiveness, and the issue of possible decline.”

He added, “As I said, the battle is advancing and retreating, and we are in an economic battle. We made the decision in the Presidential Leadership Council with full conviction that these decisions may require a retreat in order to prevail the interest of the Yemeni people above any other interests.”

The President held the Houthi militias and Iran fully responsible for destroying the national currency by targeting oil facilities and international navigation, and stopping the course of development and exports.

In this context, His Excellency noted the support of the brothers in the Coalition to Support Legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, which contributed to the government’s continued fulfillment of its obligations, and thwarting the terrorist militias’ plan to drown the country in a comprehensive humanitarian crisis.

He also recalled the role of the brothers in the battle against the Imamate project supported by the Iranian regime, saying that if it were not for the Decisive Storm, and also the resistance and sacrifices of the Yemenis, the militias would be controlling all of Yemen today.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council confirmed that the Southern issue is at the forefront of the priorities of the government negotiating team in any future peace talks.

He added: Our recognition of the Southern issue is not from today. We discussed the Southern issue in the National Dialogue Conference, and it has a special status. It is at the forefront of any project for the upcoming negotiations.