The Presidential Leadership Council held a meeting chaired by His Excellency Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Council, in the presence of its members, Aidaros Al-Zubaidi, Tariq Saleh, Othman Mujali, and Faraj Al-Bohsani, while members of the Council, Sultan Al-Arada, Abdul Rahman Al-Mahrami, and Dr. Abdullah Al-Alimi, were absent with leave.

The Presidential Leadership Council, via video conference technology, in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, the Prime Minister, Lt. Gen. Mohsen Al-Daari, the Minister of Defense, and Lt. Gen. Saghir bin Aziz, the Chief of the General Staff, discussed developments of the economic, living, and military conditions in light of the continued threats by the terrorist Houthi militias. They also discussed the militias’ gross violations of human rights, and the repercussions of their terrorist attacks on oil installations and international commercial ships.

The Council renewed its support for the path of economic and service reforms led by the government in order to improve living conditions and strengthen the status of the national currency, in close coordination with regional and international partners.

The Presidential Leadership Council praised the economic and development interventions by the brothers in the Coalition to Support Legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to alleviate the suffering of Yemeni people, and the state’s continued fulfillment of its imperative obligations, first and foremost the payment of employee salaries, supplies of goods, and basic services.

The Council was briefed on the military position of the armed forces in all its formations, and their high readiness to deter any escalation by the Houthi militias on various axes and fronts.

The Council praised the high vigilance shown by the armed forces and all military formations in confronting the attacks of terrorist militias, and thwarting their repeated attempts to return the situation to the square of comprehensive war, without regard to the long-term suffering of the Yemeni people.

The Presidential Leadership Council renewed its call to the Houthi militias to exercise reason and deal positively with the good endeavors led by the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to bring peace, stop the bloodshed, prioritize the interests of the Yemeni people over any other interests. The Council called the militias to stop openly compromising in the pain of the Palestinian people and their just cause, and instead empowering Yemenis to build their just state that respects human rights and the rule of law.
