Source: Saba News Agency

Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Major General Faraj Al-Bahsani, met on Wednesday with the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Yemen, Mustafa Pulat.

During the meeting, they discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries, with the aim of unifying positions on issues of common interest and deepening cooperation in various political, economic, and social fields. They also touched on the importance of building a unified stance in regional and international forums, in a way that achieves the interests of both countries and supports stability in the region.

The member of the Presidential Leadership Council reviewed the latest developments in Yemen and the difficult circumstances the country is going through as a result of the war waged by the terrorist Houthi militia against the legitimate government, its seizure by force of state institutions and resources, and the resulting abuse of citizens in areas under its control. He also pointed to the worsening economic situation as a result of the terrorist militia’s targeting of the Al-Dhabba oil port in Hadramout, which led to the suspension of crude oil exports, which contributed 70% of the state budget.

Al-Bahsani touched on the efforts exerted by the Presidential Leadership Council and the government in light of these difficult circumstances, and the endeavors made to overcome the existing challenges and alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people. He also spoke about dealing with the peace initiatives sponsored by the United Nations to resolve the crisis in the country, and the rejection and escalation met by the terrorist Houthi militia. He stressed the need for a firm stance from the regional and international communities towards this militia, whose effects have extended to vital waterways in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and significantly affected international navigation.

Al-Bahsani praised the Turkish positions in support of the Presidential Leadership Council and the government, expressing his deep appreciation for the continuous Turkish efforts through political and diplomatic support for the Presidential Leadership Council in international forums, as well as providing humanitarian assistance to the Yemeni people. He stressed that these fraternal positions reflect the depth of the historical relations between the two brotherly countries and contribute to achieving peace and stability in Yemen and the region.

For his part, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey affirmed his country’s commitment to continuing to support Yemen under the current circumstances, expressing Turkey’s aspiration to strengthen the historical relations between the two countries and enhance cooperation in areas of common interest.

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