The Prime Minister, Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, addressed a letter to the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, regarding the developments concerning the Houthis militia’s abduction of dozens of UN and international organizations’ staff and endangering their lives.

In his letter, the Prime Minister presented the violations committed by the Houthi militia against humanitarian work and UN staff. He clarified that the measures taken by the UN offices in Yemen to protect their staff and save their lives have not been at the acceptable or expected level so far, and do not match the level of danger threatening their lives and freedom.

Dr. Bin Mubarak stressed the need for the United Nations to assume its humanitarian role in protecting its local staff and making every effort to release the abductees. He further urged the suspension of travel to Sana’a for the Humanitarian Coordinator, representatives of UN organizations, and key personnel. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of initiating the transfer of administrative and main technical functions of organizations to the temporary capital, Aden, to alleviate the pressure exerted by the militias on UN organizations.

Furthermore, he highlighted the necessity of taking the necessary technical and administrative measures to protect databases and correspondence of UN organizations to safeguard local staff, prevent the militias from accessing and manipulating this data to harm employees and beneficiaries, and to justify their abduction.

The Prime Minister urged the implementation of an urgent and impartial assessment of the humanitarian and development activities carried out by UN organizations in areas controlled by the militias. This assessment aims to ensure the integrity of these projects and their achievement of objectives, especially since organizations are unable to carry out monitoring and evaluation due to the Houthis’ halt of all companies and organizations operating in this field.

He pointed out the importance of verifying the extent to which Houthi practices affect the future of these projects, their fairness, and preventing them from becoming tools in the hands of the militias to support their war effort and increase recruitment rates, especially among children and adolescents. He also emphasized the safety and protection of workers, ensuring the principles of justice in employment, as suspicions have doubled that the militias are imposing their supporters to work with international organizations.

Dr. Bin Mubarak reiterated the government’s commitment and responsibility to protect its citizens and ensure they receive support, both in terms of relief and development, throughout the country. He expressed gratitude for the significant role played by UN and international organizations in supporting Yemen. He affirmed the government’s commitment to making every effort to stop the militias’ tampering and blatant interference in the work of organizations, and their exploitation of the support provided in the humanitarian field to serve their interests and consolidate their grip and control over the lives of Yemenis. He condemned the violation of their freedoms and rights, terrorizing them, and endangering their lives, especially the lives of workers.

The Prime Minister concluded by expressing his aspiration to work with the United Nations to proceed with concrete and urgent measures to pressure the militias to release the abductees and prevent the dangers they face in detention, which have reached the point of death due to torture. This has happened to many detainees held by the militias, including Hisham Al-Hakimi, an employee of Save the Children International, who died shortly after his detention in Houthi prisons. He emphasized the need to work together to improve the conditions of development and humanitarian work in Yemen and protect workers in this field.
