Source: Saba News Agency

Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak renewed the government’s commitment to work on enhancing the role of women, empowering them to participate in decision-making, protecting their rights, and ensuring their leading role in peacebuilding and change-making.

The Prime Minister, during his meeting on Thursday in the temporary capital Aden with the Coordinating Committee for the Women’s Summit, emphasized the government’s keenness on absorbing the outcomes of the sixth Women’s Summit and enhancing frameworks for partnership and empowerment of women in various positions. He pointed out the government’s understanding of women’s demands and its efforts to meet these according to professional capabilities and legal standards.

Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak provided the women leaders with a comprehensive overview of the situation and developments regarding peace, the government’s priorities, and the expected and complementary roles to overcome the current exceptional challenges. He stressed the crucial role of women in supporting government initiatives to enhance transparency, accountability, and combat corruption as a headline for the current phase.

The Prime Minister listened to the Coordinating Committee for the Women’s Summit regarding the ongoing preparations for the seventh Women’s Summit, mechanisms for implementing the recommendations that are the responsibility of the government from previous summits, in addition to presenting a range of ideas and visions to activate the role of women, empower them, and enhance their presence in decision-making positions and peacebuilding.

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