Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak conducted a surprise visit yesterday, Thursday, to the Immigration and Passports Authority in the Crater district of Aden. The visit aimed to monitor the implementation of directives issued to facilitate citizen transactions for obtaining passports and address shortcomings in service delivery.

The Prime Minister reviewed the progress made in implementing his previous instructions, which emphasized simplifying procedures, eliminating brokerage and extortion, holding negligent individuals accountable, improving work processes, ensuring direct interaction with citizens, and expediting passport issuance.

Dr. Bin Mubarak inquired with several citizens present at the office about their experiences, specifically regarding improvements in service quality and processing time for passport applications. He personally followed up on the status of several applications to assess the effectiveness of the implemented measures compared to his previous visit.

Passport officials briefed the Prime Minister on the steps taken in response to his directives. These included expanding operational capacity, increasing the number of processing devices, establishing an additional office dedicated to photo booths, increasing the number of photo booths designated for women, dismissing and referring exploitative employees to relevant authorities, facilitating direct access for citizens while prohibiting intermediaries, printing backlogged passports, maintaining daily on-site presence, and actively engaging with citizens to address their concerns.

The Prime Minister directly engaged with several applicants, listening to their feedback and impressions regarding the services and their efficiency. He directed the Ministry of Interior to address any delays in the delivery of passport booklets, ensuring sufficient quantities to prevent backlogs in citizen applications.

He reiterated his call to citizens to report any instances of extortion or mistreatment they encounter, emphasizing that all officials, regardless of their position, are accountable for serving the public.
